BUDA — The Central Texas Food Bank (CTFB) and Hays County Pet Resource Center (Hays PRC) hosted an end of year drive-up food distribution for people and pets on Saturday, Dec. 28, at McCormick Middle School in Buda. This event marked the fourth distribution event held in Hays County.
The Hays County Pet Resource Center estimates that it distributed supplies to 233 dogs and 144 cats at the Dec. 28 drive-up food distribution at McCormick Middle School in Buda. (PHOTO COURTESY OF CENTRAL TEXAS FOOD BANK)
Pet supplies for cats and dogs were provided, as well as resource guide flyers that included information for spay/neuter clinics, behavior support and other low-cost pet services. The Hays County Pet Resource Center estimated that it distributed supplies to 233 dogs and 144 cats, a news release stated.
“The attendance at these events showcases the need for strong community programs and partnerships with human services organizations within Hays County,” said Lee Ann Shenefiel, Hays County Pet Resource Center director and executive advisor. “We want to continue providing these opportunities to ensure both people and pets have access to resources to keep their pets out of the shelter system.”
As a part of this year’s distribution events to date, the Hays PRC has provided food for more than 600 families and more than 1,500 pets combined. Future distribution event dates will be announced in 2025.
This event was made possible through the collaboration between Central Texas Food Bank, Hays County Pet Resource Center and Austin Pets Alive!, according to a news release.