Calling all writers: Summer Essay Contest deadline Aug. 1
Flex your writing muscles and show off your imagination and literary skills with the annual Friends of the Buda Library Summer Contest for Young Writers. The contest is open to all Buda Library card holders between the ages of 8 and 17. There will be two age divisions: Child: ages 8 – 12 and Youth: ages 13 – 17. Entrants will submit a story of 500 words or less. The prompt will not be included in the 500 words. First place winners in both divisions will be awarded $100 by the Friends of the Buda Library and online publication on the Hays Free Press and Friends of the Buda Library websites.
This year’s prompts:
8-12 Age Group
It was a nice summer day for a family picnic, but I realized something was wrong when our picnic basket began to jump up and down. Something in the basket was alive….
13-17 Age Group
You’ll never guess who I got stuck in an elevator with last summer…
Write a composition relating to the prompt sharing your ideas and your creativity. Entries will be judged based on the quality of the writing, originality and subject matter. Finalists will be judged by local community leaders, teachers, and librarians. Entry Deadline: Stories must be received at the library by Monday, August 1, 2016 at 8:00 pm.
Entry Submission:
Hand delivery: Buda Public Library 303 Main Street, Buda, Texas.
Winner Announcements: All prize winners will be announced on the Friends of the Buda Library and Buda Public Library websites. Winners will be individually notified.
Awards: The Friends of the Buda Library will award $100 for the first place stories, $50 for the second place, and $25 for the third place in both divisions. The first place entries will also be published on the Hays Free Press website and the Friends of the Buda Library website.
Awards Presentation: All entrants will receive an invitation to the awards program, which will be held in conjunction with the library’s Summer Reading program awards ceremonies.
Entry Guidelines are below and are available at
Stories may be submitted in Division A: Children (ages 8 – 12) or Division B: Youth (ages 13 – 17)
Entries must be 500 words or less
Entries must include a cover page with the following information:
Author’s name
Parent(s) name(s)
Phone number
Postal address
E-mail address
Division (Children or Youth)
Age as of July 31, 2016
Word count
Each page should include title and page number only. The author’s name must not appear anywhere on the manuscript except cover page. Please do not put any identifying information on the story’s pages. Copy entry into the body of your email. Emails with attachments will not be accepted. Entries must be original and unpublished. Entries must be written by one person. Co-authored stories are not accepted. For more information, call our library at 512-295-5899 or email the Friends of the Buda Library at