The Lehman High School Cheerleaders pose for a photo before driving to Fort Worth for the 2024 Texas UIL Spirit State Championship, held Jan. 6-8. The team received a score of 85.00, placing 32nd in the qualifying round at the competition.

A Johnson High School cheerleader poses during the squad's routine at the Texas UIL Spirit State Championship. JHS Cheer placed ninth place in the 6A Division II Division, with a score of 85.30. PHOTO COURTESY OF TEXAS UIL

The Lehman High School Cheerleaders pose for a photo before driving to Fort Worth for the 2024 Texas UIL Spirit State Championship, held Jan. 6-8. The team received a score of 85.00, placing 32nd in the qualifying round at the competition. PHOTO COURTESY OF LEHMAN CHEER BOOSTER CLUB

Hays High School Cheer performs at the Texas UIL Spirit State Championship. The Hawks placed 11th in 5A Division I, scoring 91.07. PHOTO COURTESY OF DUSTY GIBBS